What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Women Apostles
Was Junia a woman apostle? Or Mary Magdalene? And why did Jesus choose 12 male apostles? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 5: Were Women Apostles in the New Testament?’.The video can be found on Mike’s own site

What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: The Head Covering Debates (1 Cor 11)
Is 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 about authoritative male headship, or is that interpretation a mirage, without a single express word in the text to support it, and in actual conflict with what Paul writes? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part...

What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Have We Misunderstood ‘Wives Submit’?
Do Paul and Peter prescribe a hierarchy of authority in marriage, husband above wife? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 9: Have We Misunderstood “Wives Submit”?’The video can be found on Mike’s own site and on...

What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Male Headship: Is It Really Biblical?
When the apostle Paul says the husband is the head of the wife, does ‘head’ mean ‘authority over’, or something else? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 8: Male Headship: Is it REALLY Biblical?’The video can be found on Mike’s own...

Since I Released “How God Sees Women” … the Thrills, the Drama, the Glory, and the Prize!
Almost a year ago I released my controversial book. What a rollercoaster of emotion and action it has been! With one amazing prize—but you will have to read till the end to see what it is. Days before my book launch, I felt so scared. Before I even wrote it, I had...

What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Women Leaders in the New Testament (PART B)
Is there evidence of women pastors and teachers in the New Testament? This is part B of an article responding to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 4: Women Leaders in the New Testament: Were Women Overseers, Elders or Deacons?’. Because of its length...

What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Women Leaders in the New Testament (PART A)
Complementarians deny that women house-church hosts were probably overseers. A few interpret 1 Timothy 3:1-13 as Paul’s barring of women overseers. Can this be defended? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 4: Women Leaders in the New...

What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: How Women Could and Couldn’t Lead in the Old Testament
Does the Old Testament support the idea that the highest leadership of God’s people is reserved for men? Or does it really show that there is no such barrier? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 3: How Women Could and Couldn’t Lead in...

What Winger Presently Gets Wrong With Genesis 1–3: ‘Was Women’s Submission Just A Curse To Be Overturned?’
To understand the Bible’s teaching about women and men, why not start at the beginning? This article responds to Mike Winger’s YouTube video ‘Women in Ministry Part 2: Was Women’s Submission Just a Curse to Be Overturned?’, where he discusses Genesis...

“Death to the Patriarchy?”: A Response to Kevin De Young’s Defense of Male Leadership
Kevin De Young, a leading complementarian of The Gospel Coalition fame, on 19 July 2022 published an article on John Piper’s Desiring God website entitled, Death to the Patriarchy? Complementarity and the Scandal of ‘Father Rule. In it he offers a short defense of...
Subordinating Jesus and Women (and How Influential Evangelical Teachers Led Us Astray)
By Terran Williams (This adapts an article published in Mutuality Magazine, 1 August 2022, available here. Years ago, my wife was commissioned to write something for fellow pastors’ wives in our group of complementarian churches that might be struggling to come to...

Spoiling the Beautiful Difference
A biblical critique of Andrew Wilson's ‘Beautiful Difference: The Complementarity of Male and Female’ If I could swap out my brain for another, I might choose that of Andrew Wilson, a good man and also a leading and prolific British biblical scholar in a family of...
How God Sees Women: Links to Sermon Series
The church leadership team I am part of asked me to bring a series of messages on the subject of gender-equality. That’s because one (two actually) of our church's values is as follows: "We value intergenerationality and gender equality. God promised, “I...
My Response to Luke Hulley’s Critique of “How God Sees Women.”
Having recently released “How God Sees Women: The End of Patriarchy,” I have been waiting for significant engagement from a church that might be helped by my book. Finally it has come—I thank Luke Hulley lead elder of a Josh Gen church for responding to my book in a...
Was Priscilla a pastor? (Note: The Video above—created some time after the article below—is significantly different in content.) You can read the Bible for 20 years and miss...