Hi, I’m
Terran Williams
from God’s Word
to your World



Terran Williams
For over two decades, I’ve sought to open up God’s Word in a way that gives people and churches:
Deeper biblical roots,
Horizon-expanding inspiration, and
Life-transforming insights.
Creating and sharing one-of-a-kind tools to help achieve these three goals is what this website is all about.
Before this season however…
- I’ve been privileged to have spent most of my adult life helping to lead a church in the beautiful city of Cape Town as it grew from 1 congregation to 10, and from 100s of members to 1000s. Apart from planting two congregations with my lovely wife Julie, I also led and equipped our city-wide teaching teams, crafted much of the sermon and series content, and created most of its devotional-study resources.
- Biblica (who own the New International Version) commissioned me to write a unique discipleship journey Youth Bible, called Reach4Life. It has since been translated into multiple languages and over two million copies have been printed worldwide.
- Having led and planted churches myself, I was asked to create a two-year church planter’s course for the worldwide Advance movement of churches. I also wrote a new believers guide that has been widely used and adapted by churches all over the world, including HillSong Africa.
- As a dad of five, I created what has become one of Southern Africa’s top-rated blogs for dads, thedaddude.com.
In all this, whether through writing or speaking, my passion is to build solid bridges between God’s Word and your world.
I love the church. I believe in her – and if you’re a church leader, I believe in you too. I created this section especially with you in mind – to pass on all I know to help you grow, and in the process, to help your church and people grow too.
Why consider one of my church journeys?
For a nominal per-user amount, I’ll provide you with a church-wide journey designed to take every person in your church deeper into the Bible and into community too. You’ll personally receive:
Sunday sermon content (for you to adapt and make your own)
Small group videos and discussion guides
Personal devotional studies and videos for every memberOpen files of all design elements
If you’re a church leader, you know all too well that biblically solid, excellently prepared and well-produced content is enormously difficult and time-consuming to produce.
That’s where I come in. Every book I write, I write with the local church in mind. I then repurpose and package the book’s contents so that churches just like yours can journey through it together.
The ‘What’s so amazing about Scripture?’ church-wide journey is the first one of its kind.
There are two well-priced options for churches:
1. The five-to-six week Church-wide Journey includes video devotional content for everyone, small group videos and discussion guides, and sermon content for you to adapt and make your own. Click here for a more detailed description or check out what it actually looks like online.
2. This option excludes sermon content, yet still guides your small groups in their meetings and provides your people with supplemental videos for their own devotions in the form of 30 videos and an accompanying Devotional Study. Here’s more about that.
Fancy a free e-book?
Forged from my decade of planning the spiritual diet of a growing church, here’s my tried-and-tested guidelines for any church (big or small). Far from telling you what to preach and when, it provides the framework for you to then build a well-balanced spiritual diet for your flock. Here you go.

I’m currently researching, updating and writing lots of other books and video-based journeys. Outside of the Amazing Series (depicted above), look out for some exciting topical series, discipleship resources, biblical studies and personal growth stuff – coming soon.