Where Mike Winger Went Wrong on Women
WHY HE CAN’T THINK BIBLICALLY ABOUT IT This is our all-in-one response to the whole 43 hours of Mike Winger’s sincere – and sincerely misguided – video series on Women in Ministry. By Andrew Bartlett (author of Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light from...
What Mike Winger Gets Wrong on What Women Can’t Do
Mike Winger’s Part 13 video in his Women in Ministry series is truly an eye-opener into the pitfalls of Mike’s “complementarian” interpretations of Scripture. By Andrew Bartlett (author of Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light from the Biblical...
The Debates Over 1 Timothy 2
Where does Mike Winger go wrong in his exposition of 1 Timothy 2? Pretty much everywhere that matters, as we will show. By Andrew Bartlett (author of Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light from the Biblical Texts (2019)) and Terran Williams (author...
The Strangeness of 1 Timothy 2:12
by Andrew Bartlett This article is based on a talk Andrew gave in London on 23 March 2024 at a conference organized by the World Evangelical Alliance and the London Baptist Association. Note from Terran Williams: Andrew's grappling with 1 Timothy 2:12 landed him...
Why Mike Winger is Wrong About “Authenteō” in 1 Timothy 2:12 – and Why It Matters
Is Mike Winger’s analysis of 1 Timothy 2:12 a sturdy structure or a house of cards? Here we gently blow on his discussion of authenteō and see what happens. By Andrew Bartlett (author of Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light from the Biblical...
A First Response to Mike Winger’s 11½ Hrs Video on 1 Timothy 2
by Andrew Bartlett and Terran Williams On a subject this important, we are disappointed with Mike Winger’s long-awaited video on 1 Timothy 2 (Part 12 in his Women in Ministry series). His effort is prodigious but misguided. Its length is not proportional to its...
Do the Elder Qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 Insist on Men and not Women?
by Andrew Bartlett (November 2023, substantially revised February 2024)I am very grateful to Dr Gerry Breshears, Professor of Theology at Western Seminary, for his kindness in providing comments on an earlier version of this article, which prompted me to revise and...
Review of Kevin DeYoung’s “Men and Women in the Church”
Andrew Bartlett—author of Men and Women in Christ—and I have been partnering together to discerningly engage leading complementarian works, especially the popular video teachings by Mike Winger. (See for example this article.) In the wake of the release of many...
Women, Slaves and Southern Baptists: How Tribal Loyalty Blocks the Pursuit of Truth and Blanks the Lessons of History
This is part 2 of 2 in Andrew Bartlett's and Terran Williams' response to the confirmed expulsion of Saddleback Church by the Southern Baptist Convention despite Rick Warren's plea. Part 1 is here. (Listen to the Holy Post podcast discussion on that article at 32:20...
The Myth That Binds The Southern Baptist Convention
This is part 1 of 2 in Andrew Bartlett's and Terran Williams' response to the confirmed expulsion of Saddleback Church by the Southern Baptist Convention despite Rick Warren's plea. Part 2 is here. Listen to the Holy Post podcast discussion on this article at...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Egalitarian Silver Bullet (Galatians 3:28)?
15 June 2023 What is the significance of Galatians 3:28 for the question whether church eldership is open to women? Is it a silver bullet for egalitarians? Is it of no real significance? Or is it somewhere in between – not decisive on its own but an important part of...
The Women Who Are Reaching the World for Christ: The Rise of Women Church Planters
June 2023 By Terran Williams Much of the evangelical church in America has somehow been trained in recent decades to see Christian women through the lens of a (mis)interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:12 (“I do not permit a woman to …”) rather than the Great Commission (“Go,...
A 14-Point Biblical Case for Women Leaders and Teachers And Why Mike Winger, The Gospel Coalition, and the Southern Baptists Are Wrong About This
By Terran Williams, 15 March 2023. The most debated issue in the church, certainly the American one, seems to be whether women can lead and preach to men. Evidence for this is everywhere. Over the last few days I have listened to an interview in which Rick...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: “Women Keep Silent” (1 Cor 14:34–35)
In 1 Corinthians 14, there are two disputed verses that say women should be silent. What exactly do they mean? Do they even belong in the Bible? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘5 Views on “Women Keep Silent” (1 Cor 14:35-36): Women in Ministry part...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Women Apostles
Was Junia a woman apostle? Or Mary Magdalene? And why did Jesus choose 12 male apostles? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 5: Were Women Apostles in the New Testament?’.The video can be found on Mike’s own site
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: The Head Covering Debates (1 Cor 11)
Is 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 about authoritative male headship, or is that interpretation a mirage, without a single express word in the text to support it, and in actual conflict with what Paul writes? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Have We Misunderstood ‘Wives Submit’?
Do Paul and Peter prescribe a hierarchy of authority in marriage, husband above wife? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 9: Have We Misunderstood “Wives Submit”?’The video can be found on Mike’s own site and on...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Male Headship: Is It Really Biblical?
When the apostle Paul says the husband is the head of the wife, does ‘head’ mean ‘authority over’, or something else? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 8: Male Headship: Is it REALLY Biblical?’The video can be found on Mike’s own...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Women Leaders in the New Testament (PART B)
Is there evidence of women pastors and teachers in the New Testament? This is part B of an article responding to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 4: Women Leaders in the New Testament: Were Women Overseers, Elders or Deacons?’. Because of its length...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: Women Leaders in the New Testament (PART A)
Complementarians deny that women house-church hosts were probably overseers. A few interpret 1 Timothy 3:1-13 as Paul’s barring of women overseers. Can this be defended? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 4: Women Leaders in the New...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong: How Women Could and Couldn’t Lead in the Old Testament
Does the Old Testament support the idea that the highest leadership of God’s people is reserved for men? Or does it really show that there is no such barrier? This article responds to Mike Winger’s video ‘Women in Ministry Part 3: How Women Could and Couldn’t Lead in...
What Winger Presently Gets Wrong With Genesis 1–3: ‘Was Women’s Submission Just A Curse To Be Overturned?’
To understand the Bible’s teaching about women and men, why not start at the beginning? This article responds to Mike Winger’s YouTube video ‘Women in Ministry Part 2: Was Women’s Submission Just a Curse to Be Overturned?’, where he discusses Genesis...