Spoiling the Beautiful Difference

Spoiling the Beautiful Difference

A biblical critique of Andrew Wilson’s ‘Beautiful Difference: The Complementarity of Male and Female’ If I could swap out my brain for another, I might choose that of Andrew Wilson, a good man and also a leading and prolific British biblical scholar in a family...

How God Sees Women: Links to Sermon Series

The church leadership team I am part of asked me to bring a series of messages on the subject of gender-equality. That’s because one (two actually) of our church’s values is as follows: “We value intergenerationality and gender equality.  God...

Was Priscilla a pastor? 

(Note: The Video above—created some time after the article below—is significantly different in content.) You can read the Bible for 20 years and miss something (or someone) “hidden” in plain sight. That’s what happened to me. But when I saw it (or...

The Five Marks Group Bible Study Method

In chapter 12 of What’s So Amazing About Scripture? I encourage small groups of people to study biblical passages together. Here is a simple method for doing so with minimal preparation:  Everyone needs a pencil, and a hard copy Bible or paper copy of the...
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